#default_exp eval
API details
from nbdev.showdoc import *
import torch, numpy as np
from MIOFlow.utils import sample, to_np
def generate_points(
model, df, n_points=False, use_cuda=False,
sample_with_replacement='samples', sample_time=None, autoencoder=None, recon=False
model (torch.nn.Module): Trained network with the property `ode` corresponding to a `NeuralODE(ODEF())`.
See `MIOFlow.ode` for more.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing a column for the timepoint samples and the rest of the data.
n_points (int): Number of points to generate.
sample_with_replacement (bool): Defaults to `False`. Whether or not to use replacement when sampling
initial timepoint.
use_cuda (bool): Defaults to `False`. Whether or not to use cuda.
samples_key (str): Defaults to `'samples'`. The column in the `df` which has the timepoint groups.
sample_time (list | None): Defaults to `None`. If `None` uses the group numbers in order as the
timepoints as specified in the column `df[samples_key]`.
autoencoder (nn.Module|NoneType): Default to None, the trained autoencoder.
recon (bool): Default to 'False', whether to use the autoencoder for reconstruction.
generated (float[float[]]): a list with shape `(len(sample_time), n_points, len(df.columns) - 1)`
of the generated points.
= True if use_cuda else False
= sorted(df[samples_key].unique())
groups if sample_time is None:
= groups
sample_time = sample(
data_t0 min(groups), size=(n_points, ),
df, np.=sample_with_replacement, to_torch=to_torch, use_cuda=use_cuda
)if autoencoder is not None and recon:
= autoencoder.encoder(data_t0)
= torch.Tensor(sample_time).cuda() if use_cuda else torch.Tensor(sample_time)
time = model(data_t0, time, return_whole_sequence=True)
generated if autoencoder is not None and recon:
= autoencoder.decoder(generated)
generated return to_np(generated)
def generate_trajectories(
=30, n_bins=100,
model, df, n_trajectories=False, use_cuda=False, samples_key='samples',autoencoder=None, recon=False
model (torch.nn.Module): Trained network with the property `ode` corresponding to a `NeuralODE(ODEF())`.
See `MIOFlow.ode` for more.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing a column for the timepoint samples and the rest of the data.
n_trajectories (int): Number of trajectories to generate.
n_bins (int): Number of bins to use for the trajectories. More makes it smoother. Defaults to `100`.
sample_with_replacement (bool): Defaults to `False`. Whether or not to use replacement when sampling
initial timepoint.
use_cuda (bool): Defaults to `False`. Whether or not to use cuda.
samples_key (str): Defaults to `'samples'`. The column in the `df` which has the timepoint groups.
autoencoder (nn.Module|NoneType): Default to None, the trained autoencoder.
recon (bool): Default to 'False', whether to use the autoencoder for reconstruction.
trajectories (float[float[]]): a list with shape `(n_bins, n_points, len(df.columns) - 1)`
of the generated trajectories.
= sorted(df[samples_key].unique())
groups = np.linspace(np.min(groups), np.max(groups), n_bins)
sample_time = generate_points(model, df, n_trajectories, sample_with_replacement, use_cuda, samples_key, sample_time,autoencoder=autoencoder, recon=recon)
trajectories return trajectories
def generate_plot_data(
model, df, n_points, n_trajectories, n_bins, =False, use_cuda=False, samples_key='samples',
sample_with_replacement=None, autoencoder=None, recon=False
model (torch.nn.Module): Trained network with the property `ode` corresponding to a `NeuralODE(ODEF())`.
See `MIOFlow.ode` for more.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing a column for the timepoint samples and the rest of the data.
n_points (int): Number of points to generate.
n_trajectories (int): Number of trajectories to generate.
n_bins (int): Number of bins to use for the trajectories. More makes it smoother. Defaults to `100`.
sample_with_replacement (bool): Defaults to `False`. Whether or not to use replacement when sampling
initial timepoint.
use_cuda (bool): Defaults to `False`. Whether or not to use cuda.
samples_key (str): Defaults to `'samples'`. The column in the `df` which has the timepoint groups.
autoencoder (nn.Module|NoneType): Default to None, the trained autoencoder.
recon (bool): Default to 'False', whether to use the autoencoder for reconstruction.
points (float[float[]]): a list with shape `(len(df[sample_key].unique()), n_points, len(df.columns) - 1)`
of the generated points.
trajectories (float[float[]]): a list with shape `(n_bins, n_points, len(df.columns) - 1)`
of the generated trajectories.
if logger: logger.info(f'Generating points')
= generate_points(model, df, n_points, sample_with_replacement, use_cuda, samples_key, None, autoencoder=autoencoder, recon=recon)
points if logger: logger.info(f'Generating trajectories')
= generate_trajectories(model, df, n_trajectories, n_bins, sample_with_replacement, use_cuda, samples_key, autoencoder=autoencoder, recon=recon)
trajectories return points, trajectories
import os, logging, sklearn, pandas as pd, numpy as np
from typing import Union
from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
from typing_extensions import Literal
from MIOFlow.utils import generate_steps
def get_points_from_trajectories(
trajectories:Union[np.ndarray, 'start'], Literal['middle'], Literal['end']]='start',
logger:logging.Logger-> np.ndarray:
) '''
n_groups (int): how many time points there are total.
trajectories (np.ndarray | list): A list with three dimensions that correspond to:
`(n_bins, n_points, n_dims)`, where `n_points` are the number of points / trajectories there are,
`n_bins` correponds to how the trajectories were smoothed via binning (e.g. if there were 5 total
time points one might have 100 bins to draw a smoother line when plotting), and `n_dims` are the
number of dimensions the points are in (e.g. 2).
how (str): Defaults to `'start'`. How to extract the point for the binned trajectories.
If `'start'` takes the first point in the time window. If `'middle'` takes the floored averaged.
If `'end'` takes the the last point in the time window.
logger (logging.Logger): Defaults to `None`.
points (np.ndarray): Points at the corresponding indicices. If `trajectories` has shape:
`(n_bins, n_points, n_dims)`, this will have shape `(n_groups, n_points, n_dims)`.
# Value handling
= 'start middle end'.split()
_valid_how if how not in _valid_how:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown option specified for `how`. Must be in {_valid_how}')
if not isinstance(trajectories, np.ndarray):
= np.array(trajectories)
= np.transpose(trajectories, axes=(1, 0, 2))
trajectories = trajectories.shape
(n_points, n_bins, n_dims) if logger:
logger.info(f'Given trajectories object with {n_points} points of {n_bins} '
f'bins in {n_dims} dimensions.'
= np.linspace(0, n_bins, n_groups + 1).astype(int).tolist()
parts = generate_steps(parts)
steps = []
results for step in steps:
= trajectories[:, slice(*step)]
time_window if how == 'start':
0, :])
results.append(time_window[:, elif how == 'middle':
= int(np.floor(n_bins / n_groups / 2))
results.append(time_window[:, idx, :])elif how == 'end':
-1, :])
results.append(time_window[:, else:
raise NotImplementedError(f'how={how} not implemented')
return np.array(results)
def calculate_nn(
generated:Union[np.ndarray, list]=None,
trajectories:Union[np.ndarray, 'time'], Literal['any']]='time',
compare_to:Union[Literal['start'], Literal['middle'], Literal['end']]='start',
groups:Union[np.ndarray, str='samples',
logger:logging.Logger-> float:
) '''
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing all points and time sample specified by `sample_key`
generated (np.ndarray | list): A list of the generate points with shape
`(n_groups, n_points, n_dims)`, where `n_groups` is the total number of time indicies
as specified in `groups`.
trajectories (np.ndarray | list): A list with three dimensions that correspond to:
`(n_bins, n_points, n_dims)`, where `n_points` are the number of points / trajectories there are,
`n_bins` correponds to how the trajectories were smoothed via binning (e.g. if there were 5 total
time points one might have 100 bins to draw a smoother line when plotting), and `n_dims` are the
number of dimensions the points are in (e.g. 2).
compare_to (str): Defaults to `'time'`. Determines points to use for KNN. If `'time'` will only
consider points at the same time index. If `'any'` will search for nearest points regardless
of time.
how (str): Defaults to `'start'`. How to extract the point for the binned trajectories.
If `'start'` takes the first point in the time window. If `'middle'` takes the floored averaged.
If `'end'` takes the the last point in the time window.
k (int): Defaults to `1`. Number of points to compare predicted points in `generated`
or `trajectories` to.
groups (np.ndarray | list): Defaults to `None` and will be extracted from `df` is not provided.
The sorted unique values of time samples from `df` as specified by `sample_key`.
sample_key (str): Defaults to `'samples'`. The column in `df` which corresponds to the time index.
method (str): Defaults to `'mean'`. If `'mean'` returns the mean of the knn distances. If `'quartile'`
returns the mean of the worst (highest distances) quartile.
logger (logging.Logger): Defaults to `None`.
mean_dist (float): mean distance of predicted points to the `n` nearest-neighbor points.
= 'time any'.split()
_valid_compare_to if compare_to not in _valid_compare_to:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown option specified for `compare_to`. Must be in {_valid_compare_to}')
= 'start middle end'.split()
_valid_how if how not in _valid_how:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown option specified for `how`. Must be in {_valid_how}')
= 'mean quartile'.split()
_valid_method if method not in _valid_method:
raise ValueError(f'Unknown option specified for `method`. Must be in {_valid_method}')
if trajectories is None and generated is None:
raise ValueError(f'Either generated or trajectories must not be None!')
if groups is None:
= sorted(df[sample_key].unique())
if generated is None:
= get_points_from_trajectories(len(groups), trajectories, how, logger)
= []
distances for idx, time_sample in enumerate(sorted(groups)):
= generated[idx]
# NOTE: compare to points only at same time index
if compare_to == 'time':
= df.groupby(sample_key).get_group(time_sample).drop(columns=sample_key).values
true_points # NOTE: compare to any point
elif compare_to == 'any':
= df.drop(columns=sample_key).values
true_points else:
raise NotImplementedError(f'compare_to={compare_to} not implemented')
= true_points[:, :pred_points.shape[1]]
true_points = sklearn.neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=k)
neigh.fit(true_points)= neigh.kneighbors(pred_points, return_distance=True)
dists, indicies
= np.array(distances)
distances if method == 'mean':
return distances.mean()
elif method == 'quartile':
= np.quantile(distances, 0.25)
q1 = np.quantile(distances, 0.50)
q2 = np.quantile(distances, 0.75)
= distances[np.where(distances < q1)]
b1 = distances[np.where((distances < q2) & (distances >= q1))]
b2 = distances[np.where((distances < q3) & (distances >= q2))]
b3 = distances[np.where(distances >= q3)]
return np.max([np.mean(b) for b in [b1, b2, b3, b4]])
raise NotImplementedError(f'method={method} not implemented')
from MIOFlow.utils import (
to_np, get_groups_from_df, get_cell_types_from_df,
get_sample_n_from_df, get_times_from_groups
)import seaborn as sns
def generate_tjnet_trajectories(
=10, use_cuda=False, samples_key='samples',
model, df, n_bins=None, recon=False, where='end', start=0
model (nn.Module): Trained MIOFlow model.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of shape (n_cells, dimensions + 1), where the extra column
stems from a samples column (column indicating the timepoint of the cell).
By default the samples column is assumed to be `"samples"`.
n_bins (int): For each time point split it into `n_bins` for smoother trajectories.
If there are `t` time points then there will be `t * n_bins` total points.
use_cuda (bool): Whether or not to use cuda for the model and autoencoder.
samples_key (str): The name of the column in the `df` that corresponds to the time
samples. Defaults to `"samples"`.
autoencoder (nn.Module) Trained Geodesic Autoencoder.
recon (bool): Whether or not to use the `autoencoder` to reconstruct the output
space from the `model`.
where (str): Choices are `"start"`, and `"end"`. Defaults to `"end"`. Whether or not
to start the trajectories at `t_0` (`"start"`) or `t_n` (`"end"`).
start (int): Defaults to `0`. Where in `generate_tjnet_trajectories` the trajectories started.
This is used if attempting to generate outside of `t0`. Note this works relative to `where`.
E.g. if `where="end"` and `start=0` then this is the same as `groups[-1]`.
trajectories (np.ndarray): Trajectories with shape (time, cells, dimensions)
= 'start end'.split()
_valid_where if where not in _valid_where:
raise ValueError(f'{where} not known. Should be one of {_valid_where}')
= sorted(df[samples_key].unique())
# times = groups
# if where == 'end':
# times = times[::-1]
# times = times[start:]
= get_times_from_groups(groups, where, start)
# a, b = (np.max(groups), np.min(groups)) if where == 'end' else (np.min(groups), np.max(groups))
= (np.max(times), np.min(times)) if where == 'end' else (np.min(times), np.max(times))
a, b # n = -1 if where == 'end' else 0
= 0 # because reversed if needed and prunned
# sample_time = np.linspace(a, b, len(groups) * n_bins)
= np.linspace(a, b, len(times) * n_bins)
sample_time = torch.Tensor(sample_time)
# data_tn = df[df.samples == groups[n]].drop(columns=samples_key).values
= df[df.samples == times[n]].drop(columns=samples_key).values
data_tn = torch.Tensor(data_tn).float()
if use_cuda:
= data_tn.cuda()
data_tn = sample_time.cuda()
if autoencoder is not None and recon:
= autoencoder.encoder(data_tn)
= model(data_tn, sample_time, return_whole_sequence=True)
generated if autoencoder is not None and recon:
= autoencoder.decoder(generated)
generated = to_np(generated)
generated return generated
def get_cell_indexes(
df, genes, trajectories, principal_components,=10, where='end', start=0, palette = 'viridis',
top_n='samples', samples=None,
samples_key=None, cell_types=None, use_cell_types=True
- `samples` refers to the timepoint sample e.g. `samples == 1` should be Boolean array
corresponding to which rows in `df` that are of `t_1`.
- `use_cell_types` determines the output shape of `top_idxs`.
+ `use_cell_types=True`: `top_idxs` is a nested dictionary with structure
cell_type_0: {
gene_0: [id_0, id_1, ... id_n]
cell_type_m: {...},
Where each id is a cell of the outer cell type with the highest expression of
the specified gene either at `t_0` (`where="start"`) or `t_n` (`where="end"`)
e.g. cell_type_0[gene_0][0] is the id of the top cell of cell type `cell_type_0`
expressing gene `gene_0`.
+ `use_cell_types=False`: `top_idxs` is a dictionary with structure
gene_0: [id_0, id_1, ... id_n],
gene_1: [id_0, id_1, ... id_n],
gene_m: [id_0, id_1, ... id_n],
Where each id is a cell (of any cell type) that has the highest expression of the
specified gene either at `t_0` (`where="start"`) or `t_n` (`where="end"`).
model (nn.Module): Trained MIOFlow model.
df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame of shape (n_cells, n_genes), where the ordering of
the columns `n_genes` corresponds to the columns of `principle_components`.
It is assumed that the index of `df` are the cell types (but this need not be the case.
See `cell_types`). If there are additional columns (e.g. `samples_key`, `cell_type_key`)
should be after the gene columns.
genes (np.ndarray | list): Genes of interest to determine which cell indexes to find.
trajectories (np.ndarray): Trajectories with shape (time, cells, dimensions)
principal_components (np.ndarray): The principle components with shape (dimensions, n_genes).
If used phate, can be obtained from `phate_operator.graph.data_pca.components_`
top_n (int): Defaults to `10`. The number of cells to use per condition. If
`use_cell_types = False` this (conditions) will be the number of genes (`len(genes)`)
otherwise it will be the number of cell types.
where (str): Choices are `"start"`, and `"end"`. Defaults to `"end"`. Whether or not
the trajectories start at `t_0` (`"start"`) or `t_n` (`"end"`).
start (int): Defaults to `0`. Where in `generate_tjnet_trajectories` the trajectories started.
This is used if attempting to generate outside of `t0`. Note this works relative to `where`.
E.g. if `where="end"` and `start=0` then this is the same as `groups[-1]`.
palette (str): A Matplotlib colormap. Defaults to `"viridis"`.
samples_key (str): The name of the column in the `df` that corresponds to the time
samples. Defaults to `"samples"`. If `df[samples_key]` throws a `KeyError`
either because the `df` doesnt have this column in it or typo, will resort to
`samples` to determine this.
samples (np.ndarray | list): List of timepoints where each value corresponds to the
timepoint of the same row in `df`. Defaults to `None`.
cell_type_key (str): The column name in the provided DataFrame `df` the corresponds to the
cell's cell types. Defaults to `None` which assumes the cell type is the index of the
`df i.e. `df.index`
cell_types (np.ndarray | list): List of cell types to use from the provided DataFrame `df`.
Defaults to `None`. If `use_cell_types = True` will attempt to figure this out from
use_cell_types (bool): Whether or not to use cell types.
genes (np.ndarray): List of genes similar to those the user passed into this function except
in order of the columns of the provided `df`. Any genes not found in the `df` put passed in
by the user will be removed.
top_idxs (dict | dict[dict]): See notes. Dictionary or nested dictionary where leaf values are
indicies of cells corresponding to those expressing the highest amount of specified genes.
inverse (np.nddary): Reconstructed gene space from `trajectories` and `principal_components`.
It has the shape (n_time * n_bins, n_cells, n_genes). See `generate_tjnet_trajectories`.
colors (dict): Dictionary of either `{gene: color}` or `{cell_type: color}` depending on `use_cell_types`.
# Test for valid start location
= 'start end'.split()
_valid_where if where not in _valid_where:
raise ValueError(f'{where} not known. Should be one of {_valid_where}')
= get_groups_from_df(df, samples_key, samples)
# times = groups
# if where == 'end':
# times = times[::-1]
# times = times[start:]
= get_times_from_groups(groups, where, start)
# Extract all of the cells at the specified either the start / end
= -1 if where == 'end' else 0
n # counts_n = get_sample_n_from_df(df, n, samples_key, samples, groups, drop_index=False)
= get_sample_n_from_df(df, 0, samples_key, samples, groups=times, drop_index=False)
# Filter for only known genes
= df.columns.isin(genes)
genes_mask # Get genes in order
= df.columns[genes_mask]
# Reconstruct full gene space (of just the genes we care about)
# from trajectories and principal components
= np.dot(trajectories, principal_components[:, genes_mask])
if use_cell_types:
# Try to correct for missing cell types if they are required
= get_cell_types_from_df(df, cell_type_key, cell_types)
# Get name of cell_type_key column
= counts_n.columns[0] if cell_type_key is None else cell_type_key
# Create colors for each cell type
= sns.color_palette(palette, n_colors=len(cell_types))
cmap = dict(zip(*[
cell_types,for i in range(len(cell_types))]
# For each cell type and each gene get top_n cells of that cell type expressing that gene
= {}
top_idxs for cell_type in cell_types:
= counts_n[counts_n[index] == cell_type]
cells = {}
top_idxs[cell_type] for gene in genes:
= cells[gene].values.flatten().argsort()[-(top_n):]
top_idx = top_idx
# Create colors for each gene
= sns.color_palette(palette, n_colors=len(genes))
cmap = dict(zip(*[
genes,for i in range(len(genes))]
# For each gene, get top_n cells expressing that gene
= {}
top_idxs for gene in genes:
= counts_n[gene].values.flatten().argsort()[-(top_n):]
top_idx = top_idx
return genes, top_idxs, inverse, colors